TFR-8 1x 6mm²




  • Product
    넥상스 규격
  • 국가 표준
    KS C IEC 60502-1


주거 및 상업적 용도의 건물내 사용하는 경보용 내열 케이블
전기설비 기술 기준령에 준한 트레이용 난연 케이블

재료 및 구조

1. 도체 : 1등급(단선), 2등급(연선) 연동선

2. 내화층 : 마이카 테이프

3. 절연체 : 가교 폴리에틸렌(XLPE), 내열 온도 90℃

4. 연합 : 2심 이상인 경우 절연된 선심을 원형으로 꼬음

5. 피복 : 흑색 난연 비닐 (TFR-PVC)p>



2심 : 흑,백
3심 : 흑, 백, 적
4심 : 흑, 백, 적, 녹
5심 이상 : 연합 층별 흑, 적을 기준하며,
그 외 선심은 백색으로 하거나, 번호 표시를 한다.


KETI (전기용품안전인증)

TFR-8 0.6/1kV design



Mica tape 



바인드 테이프

피복 (TFR PVC)


절연저항 값은 규정이 없고 절연저항 상수의 값만 규정되어 있음
( K=min. 3.67MΪ.km at 90℃) : 단심 & 다심



구조적 특성

구조적 특성

도체 재료
도체 타입
2등급 (연선)
7 x 1.04
Micatape + XLPE
With Green/Yellow core
With smaller neutral conductor



도체 단면적
6 mm²
3.12 mm
0.7 mm
시스 평균두께
1.4 mm
10 mm
120 kg/km
Neutral conductor section (when smaller)
- mm²

전기적 특성

전기적 특성

20° C에서 최대 도체 DC저항
3.08 Ohm/km
3500 V
정격전압 Uo/U (Um)
0,6/1 kV

사용 특성

사용 특성

운용온도, 범위
-15 ... 60 °C
KSC IEC 60332-3
설치 시 벤딩 요소
12 (xD)



Current capacity table XLPE insulation multicore single phase

XLPE or EPR insulation, two loaded conductors/copper or aluminium Conductor temperature: 90 °C, ambient temperature: 30 °C in air, 20 °C in ground
도체 단면적
mm² Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
6.0 45.0 35.0 42.0 33.0 51.0 40.0 58.0 45.0 53.0 42.0 58.0 0.0 63.0 49.0
A1 Insulated conductors in conduit in a thermally insulated wall
A2 Multi-core cable in conduit in a thermally insulated wall
B2 Multi-core cable in conduit on a wooden wall
C Single-core or multi-core cable on a wooden wall
D1 Multi-core cable in ducts in the ground
D2 Multi-core cables designed to be buried directly in the ground
E Multi-core cable in free air

Current capacity table XLPE insulation multicore three phase

XLPE or EPR insulation, three loaded conductors/copper or aluminium – Conductor temperature: 90 °C, ambient temperature: 30 °C in air, 20 °C in ground
도체 단면적
mm² Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
6.0 40.0 32.0 38.0 31.0 44.0 35.0 52.0 41.0 44.0 35.0 49.0 0.0 54.0 42.0
A1 Insulated conductors in conduit in a thermally insulated wall
A2 Multi-core cable in conduit in a thermally insulated wall
B2 Multi-core cable in conduit on a wooden wall
C Single-core or multi-core cable on a wooden wall
D1 Multi-core cable in ducts in the ground
D2 Multi-core cables designed to be buried directly in the ground
E Multi-core cable in free air

Current capacity table XLPE insulation single core single phase

XLPE or EPR insulation, two loaded conductors/copper or aluminium Conductor temperature: 90 °C, ambient temperature: 30 °C in air, 20 °C in ground
도체 단면적
mm² Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
6.0 45.0 35.0 54.0 43.0 58.0 45.0 53.0 42.0 58.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
A1 Insulated conductors in conduit in a thermally insulated wall
B1 Insulated conductors in conduit on a wooden wall
C Single-core or multi-core cable on a wooden wall
D1 Single core or Multi-core cable in ducts in the ground
D2 Single core or Multi-core cables designed to be buried directly in the ground
F Single-core flat cables, touching in free air

Current capacity table XLPE insulation single core three phase

XLPE or EPR insulation, three loaded conductors/copper or aluminium – Conductor temperature: 90 °C, ambient temperature: 30 °C in air, 20 °C in ground
도체 단면적
mm² Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
6.0 40.0 32.0 48.0 38.0 52.0 41.0 44.0 35.0 49.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
A1 Insulated conductors in conduit in a thermally insulated wall
B1 Insulated conductors in conduit on a wooden wall
C Single-core or multi-core cable on a wooden wall
D1 Single core or Multi-core cable in ducts in the ground
D2 Single core or Multi-core cables designed to be buried directly in the ground
F Single-core flat cables, touching in free air
Ft Single-core trefoil cables, touching in free air

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